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COMFi創立於2009年,為百份百香港原創品牌,以為寶寶提供一個「Safe, cozy & clean」的睡眠及活動環境為理念,研發出一系列優質床品及生活用品。 COMFi產品採用的X-90°透氣纖維,以源自德國的立體編織技術編織以成,既可提供接近100%的極高透氣度,亦能保持極佳承托力;能減低睡眠窒息的風險,及兼顧寶寶成長的需要。每一件COMFi產品的每一個細節,都充分考慮到寶寶的安全及舒適度。 所有COMFi產品均以優質、安全的物料製作而成,確保不含任何有害物質及致敏成份;並獲得多項國際認證,包括極高規格之歐州OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100(第一類)認證,以及通過SGS 的無毒和透氣測試,歐州EN-12951-2 / 英國BS-7175等安全認證,是真正國際高規格安全認證的產品,令父母安心又放心。 針對亞洲相對溫暖潮濕的天氣而設計的COMFi產品,在香港以至亞洲各地都深受父母歡迎。產品銷售網絡遍佈日本、韓國、台灣、澳洲、印尼、星加坡、泰國、菲律賓、澳門等地,是真正闖出國際的香港品牌! Founded in 2009, COMFi is a 100% Hong Kong brand with the mission to provide a safe, cozy & clean environment for babies to sleep and play. Since its founding, COMFi has pioneered a series of premium bedding and lifestyle products that have become highly popular in Hong Kong and beyond. COMFi’s products are made with a unique X-90° weaving technology from Germany, offering close to 100% breathability and superior support. Our products can effectively reduce the risk of infant suffocation, while providing adequate support for healthy musculoskeletal development. Every detail of every piece of COMFi product is designed to maximize your baby’s safety, health and comfort level. All of COMFi’s products are made with premium materials that meet the highest safety standards, to ensure they do not contain any chemicals or allergen that may be harmful to your baby. Our products have received multiple certifications, including the authoritative OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 (Category 1) certification, SGS certification, the European EN-12951-2 certification, and the UK BS-7175 safety certification. By meeting all of the strict requirements to qualify for these internationally recognized certifications, COMFi is a brand that can truly offer parents peace of mind. COMFi products are especially designed for the warm and humid climate in Asia. Over the past decade, it has become a trusted brand for parents in many Asian countries beyond Hong Kong, including Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Macau, and so on!